
Friday, 15 May 2015

Liebster Award

So a couple of weeks back I got nominated by the lovely Kerrie from Bella and Vogue and Lorraine from Pastel Pout for the LIEBSTER award ..say what now? So let me explain it a little simple terms it's like a "pay it forward kind of thing for bloggers...once nominated, you thank the person who nominated thanks girls...answer 11 questions the nominee asked (or nominees in my case) ...give 11 random facts about yourself ..nominate 11 bloggers to keep it moving and notify the bloggers you've chosen for the award with your chosen 11 here it goes 

Whose your favourite celebrity?
Hmm well I don't have any particular favourite really, I guess if I had to pick a favourite I think it would have to be Victoria Beckham, sounds like a cliché but since she was in the spice girls, I've always liked her, she always had a class about her, and I really admire her, more so, since establishing her own Fashion House. I love her sense of style but more importantly that she seems to value family. A family woman whose kids and husband seem to be the most important thing in her life. Anytime she's been interviewed she seems to have a sense of humour and an honesty about her..I remember her talking about her store in London and saying she wanted all people to feel welcome entering the shop and not intimidated, and she was true to her word when I visited a few weeks yes, I admire her and I guess that makes her my favourite celebrity

Name one beauty or makeup product you cannot live without..
Since I've started blogging I'm really becoming more and more interested in beauty products and makeup before this I was a clothes over make up kinda girl..recently my one beauty product is botanical all bright radiance balm the stuff a lovely dewy finish to any make up look. Plus I use it as a highlighter too double bonus!

Where would you most like to travel too?
I've travelled loads before kids...but it's on the back burner for a little while..but where I'd most like to go to is Argentina or Peru mainly to do the inca trail and see Machu the dream :)

What is your dream job?
Owning my own fashion house now that would be pretty amazing..

What is the one thing that you would love to do if you had no responsibilities and money was not an issue?
Oh this is the world with my hubbie and kids..experience new things, explore and discover amazing places and life to the full ...
What is your signature scent
Marc Jacobs - Daisy (any of them)

What is your go to nail polish colour ?
Chanel Particuliere
Where do you see yourself in ten years time...
Happily blogging with a steady flow of readers.... And branching out with other ventures..

What celebrity would you love to go out to dinner with?
Oh for me Jennifer Lawrence as she seems like a cool,funny, down to earth girl just watching her during interviews..or the other person is most definitely jack black.anyone that will make me laugh hysterically is definitely getting an invite at my dinner table!

What's your life ambition? 
I'll be honest I'm not hugely driven by money or career so my life ambition is to do things well, be kind and most importantly be happy and to make the people I love keep doing what I love most ..
And Lorraine's questions were 
Why did you start blogging?
So in a previous life I worked in marketing for Dell and Siemens, decided after a trip away to oz for a month, I'd study Fashion styling and imaging at night, done that, long story short fell pregnant ..two kids later, I'm a stay at home mummy looking after my babies as my hubbie travels a lot with work... I used to adore clothes, and anything to do with fashion, I secretly set up a blogspot, told no one, posted one or two random blog posts never published them and parked it, but once the babies came along I found I really wanted to have something for myself, to have a my own little thing/interest, not as a mum but as with the encouragement from my hubbie.. I set up Pams live love fashion,the rest,as they say, is history...only a newbie since the end of October last year, but I enjoy it, and if other people like it then even better..

What advice would you give to a blogger starting off?
Stay true to yourself, do it because you enjoy it, don't take things too serious with it and have fun...oh and join ITWBN (into the west blogger network) great bunch of bloggers who will give you support, advise and encouragement plus the best hugs :)
What is your party piece ?
I don't have a party piece per say but I do love to have fun ...I used to sing the rattlin bog the wee hours of the morning after a few tipples!

You have a day off, what are you doing?
I rarely get a day off free from kiddies so that's simple...drinking hot coffee...pottering around clothes shops trying on things ..or if it's just at home ..having a Iie-in then chilling on the couch catching up on blogs..

Are you a planner or completely spontaneous?
Bit of both I think but mainly a planner...

Aside from blogging what's your favourite hobby? 
Dancing for sure! 
Who inspires you?
Victoria Beckham because of all the above in the first question from Kerrie

What motivates you to keep blogging?
My readers and followers without a doubt 
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
See above Machu Picchu ....

Do you have any tattoos? If so how many?
None I'm afraid

What is the first thing on your wish list
At the moment a Self portrait dress :) but I do have a long wish list :)

11 random facts about myself:
1. I hate mess, it's unreal I can't sit down with a mess around me..I'm a neat freak.. so bad my three year old complains about messes too...oops!
2. I love bad my humour!
3. I suffer from road rage...
4. Completely allergic to grease (the slimy stuff) hate hate hate it...
5. I'm a girlie girl
6. Friends and family are my true loves, loyal to the core..
7. I'm a happy huggie drunk
8. Allergic to saving, can't save to save my life, pardon the pun!
9. Love playing dress up and spending hours going through my wardrobe..
10. I'm a chocoholic
11. Hate the cold..
So that's the lot, there's my answers ladies, hope you enjoyed reading and now for my nomination
And now for my nominations and my 11 Questions to you lovely bloggers;
1. What inspires you the most?
2. Any where in the world where would it be?
3. What's your favourite thing to do?
4. Name one of your must have beauty products?
5. What's your most coveted item in your wardrobe?
6.  Whose your favourite blogger ?
7. If you had a bucket list what would be the top thing on your list?
8. What would be your dream job?
9. Pet hate?
10. Favourite celebrity / public figure?
11. Where would you like to see yourself in five years time

Can't wait to see all the responses guys....
Pam xx

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