So the weekend's creeping in ...yippee!
Hope you all had a lovely week, now its time to put the feet up, relax and have some lazy time!
The last few weeks all the high street stores are awash with Autumn/Winter casual day wear ..all perfect for those cold wet, windy, wintery days!
Even my girl crush Olivia Palermo was looking cute and dressy casual in beautiful Paris earlier this week.

Everyone loves a bit of cas! Its comfy, easy and helps you unwind...So with that in mind, I present you lovely ladies with some cute, casual to dressy casual looks,
Sit back with Tea/Coffee in hand and enjoy,... oh and you might want to have the wallet/credit card (his credit card!) at the ready!
First up Oasis
This highstreet store has always been good for a bit of everything and here's some nice bits I've come across..
Mono Print Woven Front Dress €53.00 V Neck Lace Dress €47
Red Tipped Stripe Dress €50 Sequin Bow Back Jumper €50
Bird and Floral April Jumper €50 Oasis Trousers €47 Slashed Jumper €31
Oasis Bow Jumper €47 Oasis Primrose Woven Front top €47 Jeans €53
Wear dresses with opaque tights ladies as that winter chill is creeping in, plus you can get away with converting certain dressy dresses into day dresses with tights!
Zara have gone more dressy casual but still quiet chic...
Wear dresses with opaque tights ladies as that winter chill is creeping in, plus you can get away with converting certain dressy dresses into day dresses with tights!
Zara have gone more dressy casual but still quiet chic...

Zara Straight Dress €49.95 Zara Fringe Dress €59.95
ooh Loving this look from Forever 21 below
ooh Loving this look from Forever 21 below
Cowl Sweater €9 and Chic Leggings €23.45paired with black ankle boots.
Monsoon, I find are starting to up their game in the fashion stakes too and are improving season by season
Monsoon, I find are starting to up their game in the fashion stakes too and are improving season by season
Monsoon Knit €70 Monsoon Sequin Trim Jacket €75
Print Trousers and leather skirts are also a good day time look and not just for night time! Dress them down with a cosy jumper, casual tshirt and denim jacket. Topshop is really working the trend below!
Polo shirt by unique -Topshop £40 Trousers Lux Trousers £38
And the reliable warm knitted jumpers, we're definitely going to need these bad boys when the winter really hits us!
Take this cosy number above from Zara loving the tie back €39.95
J.Crew Sweater €125 Net
Vila always have lovely jumpers, check out this Gem detail knit €49.76

My current favourite label at the moment for casual gear..Super dry!
This lovely cable knit is (available in other colours) €74.99, and,shirt €59.99 (available in four different colours) bit more pricey but lasts a life time!
I don't know about you girls but I love my casual dresses, so easy to wear and look good paired with tights and anything from flats, knee highs to ankle boots!

This lovely cable knit is (available in other colours) €74.99, and,shirt €59.99 (available in four different colours) bit more pricey but lasts a life time!
I don't know about you girls but I love my casual dresses, so easy to wear and look good paired with tights and anything from flats, knee highs to ankle boots!
Asos Jumper Dress with lace hem €63.98
Superdry Swear Dress €85
Vila Aztec Skirt €42.65 and Jumper €40
Check out these two cute dresses below from Divine Boutique in Maynooth (I've picked up some lovely dressy daytime guna's here online
Navy Glasses Print Dress €79

Yumi ..Cheeky in Checks Dress €79
Ooow love this one above,and guess what? this cute one is penneys for €18!
River Island Checked Dress €50
Another trend hanging around is the check shirt ladies (more oversized than fitted)

Zara Trf Checked Shirt €27.95
American Apparel Checked Shirt €75.38
Barbour Checked Shirt with elbow patches €78.91 (available on asos)
Superdry Checked Shirt €59.99
How cute are these looks below, casual cosy yet chic, all available from Debenhams, these skirts and jumpers below are H by Henry Holland and Red Herring for Debenhams.
Left Skirt €49 (20% off at moment in Debenhams so €39.20) Jumper €56 (but reduced to €44.80 for this week) Pastel Pink boucle Coat €119 (reduced to €95.20)
Right: Red Herring Blue Jacket €118 (reduced to €94.40) Boucle Heart Jumper €42 (reduced to €33.60) Red Herring Grey pleated check skirt €42 (reduced to €33.60)
Gilets are around this autumn winter, every high street store is stocked with them here's one from Debenhams by John Rocha for €68.25 ...definitely fits into the cosy, casual attire category!
Like it or not ladies Ponchos are back, what's not to like cosy and snuggly and are great with leather trousers too!
Asos Poncho in cable knit €63.98

Zara Poncho €49.99
Now we couldn't do a casual post and not include the oldest reliable casualwear around here it is girls some fab hoodies and zippies from Superdry who doesn't love a snuggly hoody?
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